Thinking of feeding haylage? We can help you decide which type & how to introduce it into your horse's feed routine. Call 01884 250389.

Night of Racing & Hospitality, Courtesy of Yeoman Haylage

Several people pose for photograph at Ludlow racecourse hospitality box.

Great minds in the world of equestrian sport gathered at Ludlow Races on Tuesday 8th May at the evening meeting for a superb night of racing and hospitality at the kind invitation of John Bosley or Yeoman Haylage.

Everyone agreed it had been a  super night of British Horseracing

Click on the above link for the results.

Interested in buying haylage?

Need extra information or would like to leave us feedback? Then please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone, email or via the contact form. We are always very happy to help.