Thinking of feeding haylage? We can help you decide which type & how to introduce it into your horse's feed routine. Call 01884 250389.

Exciting start to the 2018 haylage season at Thongsleigh Farm

Farm machinery outside a wooden barn.

Busy time as John and the team prepare for the new 2018 haylage season at Thongsleigh Farm. New barn extension is needed so it’s all hands on deck right now.  The first field of the ryegrass the horses love started yesterday so it won’t be long until the barns are full.  We’ll keep you posted.

Excavator digger loaded with soil

Interested in buying haylage?

Need extra information or would like to leave us feedback? Then please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone, email or via the contact form. We are always very happy to help.